Thank you for your friendship and continued support. When my accident occurred, I was immediately faced with numerous changes and harsh realities of life, none of which were things that I ever considered or planned for. One of those challenges was the financial burden associated with having a spinal cord injury and wanting to live a healthy, productive and happy life and I need your help. Those closest to me know that I am someone who prefers to help others, rather than ask for it, and it is exponentially more humbling when seeking financial assistance. I write this letter with the support of multiple individuals and do so to signify that this is about me, my life, and my future independence.
In late 2012, friends and family helped me establish the Taylor Price Independence Fund (TPIF), with the hope of raising at least $500,000 to provide supplemental income to pay for annual caregiving and medical expenses not covered by insurance, as well as “unique” expenses associated with my situation. For context, my annual costs are approximately $130,000, with a significant portion being attributed to my 24/7 caregiving needs and their accommodations. Since my accident, over 50% of cumulative costs have been paid for with my work salary and supplemental income streams, with the rest being paid by my parents. It is likely that my expenses will continue to grow beyond expectations, as exemplified by a 15% rise in the cost of my caregiver over the last few years. The TPIF is being managed by an advisory group at Merrill Lynch who has a goal of maximizing after tax income for at least 10 years. To reiterate, the TPIF cannot be and has never been used for personal travel, food, clothing or family expenditures.
The challenges of living with a spinal cord injury and the related secondary concerns remain very prevalent. I require assistance for such basic care activities as showering, dressing, positioning for pressure relief, transferring from my wheelchair into bed, bowel and bladder care and medicine distribution. This assistance is provided to me by a 24/7 caregiver that lives with me and essentially helps me survive throughout the day. My caregiver is my lifeline and I could not continue pursuing the great things that I want to do without him.
I want to thank my parents and sister for unconditionally dedicating their lives to helping me pursue my dreams, especially since my accident, and for all the sacrifices they have made on my behalf. I hope that I never have to endure a similar situation and the choices they have faced, with my own family that I pray to have one day. I know they will continue to give me everything possible and I can assure you that tough financial choices are being made by my family every day to continue to help support me, but it is not enough. Once again, the TPIF was created to build additional financial independence and stability for me.
In summary, the TPIF is designed to pave the smoothest, most independent path for me to ride on (no pun intended). If you commit to being a benefactor of this cause, I want you to know that you will be playing an integral role in changing and improving my life. Information on how you can contribute appears on the right side of this page. I am proud of what I have accomplished and the greatness that's still left for me to pursue, but know I cannot continue that journey without additional support. As much as I will try to do so, it will be impossible for me to appropriately express my gratitude, but I will spend every day trying to make you proud.
If you have questions about anything addressed, please feel free to contact me. Thank you!
Taylor Price
Make a donation directly through the website by clicking the link below. All major credit cards are accepted.
Payable to:
The Taylor Price Independence Fund
Please mail checks to:
Taylor Price
2221 I (EYE) Street, NW
Apt. 525
Washington, DC 20037
The Taylor Price Independence Fund
Merrill Lynch
Account #: 85764T07
DTC #: 5198
The Barrett Group, Merrill Lynch
Phone: 212-236-5096
Requests for identity and/or amount anonymity will be accommodated.